Thursday, December 4, 2008


Imperialism is the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. In the scramble for Africa, Britian tried to conquer to Boers. This resulted in the boer war. In the end of the war Britian ended up winning. The zulu nation was very effected by this act of imperialism. The british people acted in social darwinism. They thought they were better than the Zulu people and therefore acted upon the white man's duty. The british people made the Zulu people adapt their government, religion, and way of life. Many Europeans after conquering a sphere of influenc ewould meet in church and teach the native people about their religions trying to convince the people to adapt it. A exploratory motive is Germany explored Africa and after seeing that it had many raw materials decided tto take over some countries which was political.